Mobile Device Optimization!
The fact of prevalence of mobile devices obliges to adjust any website to their peculiarity at maximum degree. We have done our best for your website based on Grecko to blend with this trend.

our projects

Unique blog style!

Combination of vast functionality and user’s comfort!
Exclusive Design

Exclusive Design

Etiam vitae leo et diam pellentesque porta. Sed eleifend ultricies risus...

Custom Techniques

Custom Techniques

Phasellus finibus et enim non porta. Vestibulum venenatis, risus a tempor...

Beautiful Compositions

Beautiful Compositions

Nunc enim urna, scelerisque non venenatis vitae, euismod sed orci. Aenean...

P.xel is easily adaptable to

any mobile device

The fact of prevalence of mobile devices obliges to adjust any website to their peculiarity at maximum degree. We have done our best for your website based on p.xel to blend with this trend.
Retina Ready

Retina Ready

Maecenas volutpat metus sit amet odio ullamcorper rhoncus. Phasellus cursus, quam quis convallis finibus, leo felis porta arcu, ut pretium diam...

Tablet friendly

Tablet friendly

Maecenas volutpat metus sit amet odio ullamcorper rhoncus. Phasellus cursus, quam quis convallis finibus, leo felis porta arcu, ut pretium diam...

100% responsive

100% responsive

Maecenas volutpat metus sit amet odio ullamcorper rhoncus. Phasellus cursus, quam quis convallis finibus, leo felis porta arcu, ut pretium diam...

Need support help? Go to themerex tickets!

ThemeRex Support Team is ready to become your reliable guide in the World of p.xel. We provide free access to p.xel. Documentation and videotuts; as for our support operators, they will gladly answer all your questions.

Some facts about us

We speak clear language. You need our assistance - we happily help you. Use comments to ask pre-sale questions, and Ticket System to get any help with our web products.

What People Say About

If today were the last day of your life, would you want to do what you are about to do today?

John Snow

Praesent eleifend vulputate nibh in tincidunt. Vivamus vestibulum fringilla diam, ut blandit.

Lisa Kudrow

Ut mattis, magna vel porttitor ultricies, urna lorem dictum diam, quis molestie erat felis eget.

Sarah Jefferson
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